Welcome to PanEris

We have moved to PanEris.org

Free Pint Article about Us

PanEris is home to a collective of web developers working together as a virtual corporation.

We take on projects for clients who wish to outsource the development of their Internet/Intranet sites, and the information systems behind them.

Whether we are delivering a turnkey solution or advising an in-house team, we always seek to understand the broader business context of the customer's requirements. Our aim is to become their long-term supply partner.

All the members of PanEris are high achievers who have worked both in blue-chip organisations and with small startups. They bring a range of skills from graphic design to software and database engineering (and far beyond).

The collective's aims are very idealistic. For our customers, their most tangible consequences are the emphasis we place on openness, and the flexibility and efficiency of our organisation.

The PanEris web site supports the structured quality procedures and transparent communications which lie at the heart of our working practices. It isn't flashy---and we don't apologise for that. We are busy people, and our spare time is taken up with preparing PanEris II!

We believe that our way of working offers higher quality for our customers, and a better quality of life to our members.

To join paneris click here

For sales and other questions please contact us.

Click here to access the Paneris Invoicing System.

Click here to access the Paneris Database Administration System.

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