The Aims of PanEris

The aims of PanEris can be characterised as
  1. Create and nurture a group of highly technically compentant members
  2. Create (the ultimate) web development system for
  3. Create a web based project management, communication and documentation system (The Paneris site)

PanEris is founded to enable its members to earn their living as easily and efficiently as possible without buying into various obsolescent technologies and cultural edifices. In particular, we do not have a rigid hierarchy of control but rather have a "fractal structure" where roles change depending on the particular project. This works effectively when there is good communication between a team of technically competent workers.

PanEris is founded, in differing measures, from a utopian vision of the efficient business and from a resentment of the oppressive nature of the normal business organisation. It is believed that there is an attitude to business which is more efficient than the mere pursuit of short term, financial profitability. This attitude accepts the argument presented in the GNU motivation paper and was christened 'fullering' by Haynes in his booklet 'Workers of the World Unite and Stop Working'.

PanEris is founded to harness and encourage the improving zeal which people have towards their own work, which is often supressed within existing corporate/company structures.

Document Dated: Mon Nov 16 13:32:20 1998
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