
Yep, that's right, we have some, here's how it's come about;

Typically Paneris people add a 20% charge to bills to the customers that they have brought to the team, this roughly breaks into a 10% 'management' fee, and a 10% finders fee. With some of our long standing customers, the 10% finders fee does not seem justified (they were found a long time ago). Therefor we have decided to create a Paneris fund so that we can buy things for the team (not just beer).

Tim Joyce is managing the fund for the time being. Currently the most obvious choice for expenditure is to buy a Paneris web server (we need approx £1500).

Fund Status:

Date Invoice Amount
19/02/1998 15 14.40
04/03/1998 16 367.88
27/08/1998 19 93.60
04/08/1998 23 302.85
04/08/1998 25 184.50
27/08/1998 28 229.50
19/09/1998 Purchase of Server -1079.00
03/08/1998 30 76.93
03/08/1998 36 285.41
31/10/1998 41 447.60
19/12/1999 Xmas party -316.10
04/01/1999 48 118.60
28/01/1999 Domain Registration/td> -43.71
02/02/1999 Server Hosting -500.00
Total   182.46

Free Money

Paneris can benefit from your purchase of books. (Though why anyone would want to buy a book when they have the internet I don't know :)

Mearly by searching from Paneris and buying a book that session you can donate 5percent of purchase price to Paneris.

But this gives you the ISBN number, so you can use that to give Paneris 15percent of the cover price by linking to the book you wish to purchase directly from the Paneris Site and then purchasing it.

To do this surround the ISBN number in open and close 1234


This may be too much work for two pounds extra, but it is free money, which like Free Software has to be a good thing.

Document Dated: Mon Mar 15 15:39:42 1999
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